Friday, June 18, 2010

Going back to WordPress!

After months of not sure of what direction life was taking me, I am taking a huge leap of faith! I will be relaunch this blog back on WordPress. I like the free platform Blogger offers but in order to do provide the information I would like to share and promote WordPress is much better. I can't wait! :-)

See you next week!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Speaking The Truth In Love

I am blessed to have solid sister friends who love me enough to get in my face when I get off track. I know that may not seem fun or pleasant to some but for me they contribute to my all around growth.

Just yesterday, I was speaking to a dear friend about a particular struggle I was having. It had been going on for a while and I have been coming to terms on how I should handle it. Thankfully, my friend who has known me FOREVER spoke up and just nailed me. What was so awesome is that she was so calm and matter-of-fact. However, it hit me like a 2 X 4!! She loved me enough to tell me what I needed to hear - the truth.

Do you have such friends in your lives? Am I that kind of friend? I sure hope so!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's me.. again....

Well it's time to get back on track. I can't believe it's been forever since I posted. My life basically went out of control and now I'm to the point where I can almost breathe again. Here is a run down of the past several months.

1. I had rotator cuff surgery for the second time at the of May. It was a freak accident. Recovery time - 6 weeks.

2. During recovery, I received a call from a previous employer asking if I would be interested in working again. We needed the money so I went back to work full time - with my arm in a sling.

3. Attempted to work full time with 4 children who are very involved with many activities and a husband who worked opposite hours. It does not make for a happy household.

4. Decided that it was in the best interest of my family to quit. The following week I was told by management that I was being let go. I know my supervisor thought I was crazy because I all said was "OK". I was so relieved!!!

So I have now transitioned back to being a Stay/Work At Home Mom. For me, it is the best for my family. I, once again, realize that I am NOT Superwoman. However, I am thankful for the experience as I can understand what women on both sides of the fence face everyday.