Saturday, January 1, 2011

Creating A New Legacy

God is merciful. God is faithful.

Those two statements pretty much sum up 2010 for me. The past year was definitely one of the most challenging of my life. However, through it all I have learned that God is faithful and will never leave me and that He is merciful as I have failed Him so many times. Yet, in His lovingkindness, he performed miracle after miracle.

I am also truly thankful for my "foxhole friends" who stood beside me praying. You are awesome!

"Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead." Phil 3:13 NASB

So, I leave 2010, along with its negativity, anger, and disillusionment, behind me.

My Purpose Statement for 2011!

2011: Creating A New Legacy. Living Intentionally - Spritually, Personally, & Professionally.

I am excited about this new year. While 2010 was difficult, it forced me to make some much needed changes in all areas of my life. Out of my "dark night of the soul"
I realize I am truly nothing without Christ and that all that I do and say should reflect Him. For me this means yielding total control to Him. Being the imperfect person that I am, this will be a second by second process!

I wish everyone a blessed 2011! May you be all that God has called you to be!